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Ear Nets & Ear Plugs - Nets & Plugs

Protect your horse's ears from summer flies and reduce tension from noise with stylish and functional ear wear. Bit of Britain offers beautiful crochet ear nets and practical ear plugs from Ovation and Vespucci. Permitted in all eventing tests provided they allow complete movement of the ears and don't cover the eyes, ear nets keep pesky biting flies away from a nerve-rich area and stop horses tossing their heads in irritation. They also afford a degree of noise reduction for a calmer performance. Crafted from finest cotton over the ears and with a tightly-crocheted front, ear nets come in an exciting combination of colors to accessorize with your barn colors and even have room in the center for a logo if desired! Lightweight ear nets are the perfect option for extremely hot weather. Malleable, foam ear plugs fit snugly into the ears to keep loud noises at bay and can be invaluable for noisy prize-giving ceremonies. Visit Bit of Britain today for ear nets and ear plugs.