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Horse Boot Sets

Keeping your event horse or competition horse fit and on the road is your main priority and equipping him with a full set of boots for training, competition and travel is sound practice. Bit of Britain has sets of boots to protect front and hind legs from injury and to enhance the professional look you like to display at competitions. There is more length between the hock and the fetlock behind than between the knee and the fetlock in front, so boots have been designed and proportioned accordingly. Typically, front boots will have three straps while hind boots will have four. The straps should always fasten on the outside, with maximum padding down the inside of the leg to guard against strikes from the opposing limb. Front shipping boots are fashioned to give extra protection to the knees and hind shipping boots are shaped up and around the hock. Front boots fit neatly inside the hind boots for storage. Choose a complete set of boots from Bit of Britain for total protection from brands like Roma.

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