Horse Coolers and Scrim Sheets help to cool and dry your horse after exercise or a bath. Horse coolers, including fleece coolers, wool coolers, and mesh coolers, make ideal dust catchers between show classes and help deter insects on a warm day. Bit of Britain makes finding just the right horse cooler simple with choices from well-known brands such as Weatherbeeta, Horseware Ireland, Shires Equestrian, Horze Equestrian, and Centaur. Horse coolers and scrim sheets are constructed in lightweight, tightly woven fabrics to encourage airflow while allowing your horse to cool off and dry out comfortably. Modern horse coolers feature fleece-lining for faster absorption of moisture. Coolers and scrim sheets come in a large selection of colors and designs with traditional details like a simple front closure, one or two belly surcingles, and a tail cord.