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Hoof Boots

Hoof Boots are ideal for the barefoot horse, or the horse transitioning to being barefoot, to promote healthy hooves. Bit of Britain offers a range of hoof boots from Cavallo and Easyboot for trail riding, medical purposes, therapy, transport, or for breeding operations. Hoof boots for unshod horses allow the hoof to expand and contract naturally while offering all-terrain traction. Hoof boots for trail riding are made in various materials, including tough polyurethane, and feature a non-slip tread that will absorb shock and support the sole, bar, and frog of the hoof. Hoof boots can be used in an emergency situation as an interim solution until a horseshoe can be replaced. Hoof boots can also be used as a therapeutic device for support and relief from chronic lameness, arthritis, navicular, laminitis, founder, and various hoof problems. Medical or therapeutic hoof boots are ideal for applying a poultice, soaking or for keeping hooves clean while the horse is recovering from punctures, bruises, and abscesses.

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